Inexpensive, Easy to Make Gifts in a Jar
Christmas time brings joy and love but can also bring stress, especially when you are worried about buying gifts for friends and family. At one time or another, most people will face the issue of being broke at Christmas and unsure of what to do about it. You do have options and it doesn’t have to include a higher credit card bill. Here are some gift ideas that are affordable and you can personalize them.
For these crafts, you can use new mason jars or you can even use a spaghetti sauce jar that you’ve saved and cleaned.
Recipes for Gift in a Jar mixes
Here are some great gift in a jar recipes that will make it easy to put your gifts together for loved ones. Because these are dry ingredients they last for a while and are pretty on the counter and yummy to eat!
Soups in a jar are easy to do, are great because they look nice plus they are dinner for a night and are affordable to put together. You can also personalize them for the person that you are making it for.
Hot Cocoa is always a fun option in the winter (or if you’re my kid, the summer too). You can use your favorite and make a pretty presentation by putting it in a jar, adding a bow, and a candy cane for accent!
Oatmeal Chip Cookie Mix
Cookies in a Jar are similar to Soups in a Jar in that they have a good shelf life and are pretty to look at.
Hearty Pasta Soup Mix
Pretty shapes and colors combined to make a visually appealing gift that is also good to eat. Another inexpensive option to make someone’s day and show that you care.
Sand Art Brownies
Make some sand art that turns into brownies? Yes, please! This is pretty and easy to do!
Caramel Apple in a Jar
These are great gift ideas for those you love that have a sweet tooth and can be a fun activity to enjoy with friends and family!
Spices in a Jar
Spices are great because they enhance cooking and smell delicious. They also have a great shelf life!
Printable Spice Jar Gift Set
Homemade Spice Blends
Mulling Spices
Gifts in a Jar
Not sure about a recipe in a jar or spice? There are other easy to do, inexpensive options that you can make out of jars such as candles and cupcake holders!
Mason Jar Candle Holders
Individual Cupcake Holder
Everything in a Jar Gift
There are so many options when it comes to a gift in a jar. It can be personalized with the recipient’s favorite ingredients or colors, whether it is a food item, graft item, or alternative to a gift basket.
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